Alli Insights

Reveal what matters most

Actionable insights are hard to glean from messy, incomplete data. Alli Insights adds visibility and helps surface previously-undiscovered opportunities.

Shine a light into your data to reveal emerging trends so your brand can lead, not follow. Get responsive dashboards that update automatically, providing your teams with full access to the most recent information without the hassle of toggling through multiple platforms.

Alli Insights doesn’t just visualize data, it surfaces new opportunities. Plus, the platform’s proactive monitoring can trigger smart alerts that go straight to your team, so you can -shift your strategy to meet opportunities in the moment. With Alli Insights, you gain  insights across:

  • Creative assets
  • Unique audience
  • Followers’ sentiment
  • Global cultural moments
  • Location-specific performance trends

Bottom line

Alli Insights empowers you with the insights you need to make better, faster, data-informed decisions. Modernize your marketing strategy with industry-leading intelligence capabilities.

Explore what you can do with

Alli Insights

Store all your audience lists to automatically pull from integrated platforms, like social platforms, or email, FTP/SFTP and manual upload

Create custom audience filters and store audience segments securely

Deploy custom audiences and activate to a partner platform for campaign use

Get standard and custom alerts acting as a safety net providing insights into your account

Integrate with social platforms to see and store your follower insights, plus any competitors

Integrate with social platforms to see and store your follower insights, plus any competitors

Surface unique metrics like “brand affinity,” which are built from customized algorithms to monitor the impact of your digital strategy over time, on-demand

See all of your creative assets and track their unique performance, so you know what creative is resonating in real-time

Leverage location data to get location-based insights to better connect and understand your core audiences

AI analyzes creative assets and delivers insights to inform strategy for creative (i.e., images of product flat lays with neutral earth tones are performing better over this campaign)